Conditions of Sale
We always attend with previous appointment, which you can book:
Phone: (+34) 658 188 551
Gift Vouchers
The Vouchers have an expiration date of 1 year. The owner of the Voucher is responsible for requesting an appointment. The number of the Voucher will be requested as guarantee. When attendind to the appointment, you will have to present the Voucher printed or in any electronic device.
The Vouchers can be changed for any of the services we offer of the same price, in case of the choice is not the correct.
To change an appointment, please, contact us 24 hours in advance. Any cancellation or change out of this period will cancel the Voucher. The Voucher could be cancelled in case of no attendance to the appointment, or arriving more than 15 minutes late without informing previously.
No refund accepted.
Online Booking
To change an appointment, please, contact us 24 hours in advance. Any cancellation or change out of this period will cancel booking. The appointment can be postponed a máximum of 3 months.
The booking could be cancelled in case of no attendance or arriving more than 15 minutes late without informing previously.
No refund accepted.
Minumum Age
The minimum required age is 18. Under this age, the minor can also receive our services, in the presence of a parent or legal guardian.
Health State
Please, let us know of your helath state, allergies or injuries that could affect the service when making the apointmtmen.
we have special services for future mums. Please, let us know of your state and we will recommend the best option in this special moment.
A massage can be received after 12 weeks of gestation, except for risky pregnany. In case of doubt, please consult your doctor.
Working hours
Monday to Sunday: 10:30am to 8:30pm, always with previous appointment.